
We think you’ll love your Eva products. But if you don't, returns are as easy as 1, 2, 3.

All Eva products come with free returns within 14 days.

To be eligible for a free return, simply keep the packaging so you can repack your piece ready for pick up.

If the packaging is not kept, you'll need to source packaging in order for the goods to be returned to our nearest Auckland warehouse. Eva will not cover the cost of return for products without their original packaging. 

All your questions answered

What should I expect?

Eva can arrange for returns to be picked up by our courier at no extra cost. You will be refunded the cost of the product excluding the delivery fee. Simply ensure you keep your packaging to qualify.

How do I initiate a return?

We get it, sometimes things aren't a good fit. Simply email us at within 14 days of receiving your Eva product, and we'll get your return process started. Easy peasy.

How long will my return take?

We will refund you as soon as we have received the product back at our warehouse. You will be refunded the cost of the product, excluding delivery fees.

The refund will be returned to the card or account that you used to purchase the product. The time for returns to be processed can vary based on product, location, and payment method.

How do I reschedule my return pick-up?

If you happen to miss your scheduled pick-up, please call the our couriers on +64 9 870 6922 or email

How do I cancel my order?

If you find you have accidentally ordered the incorrect product or size, you may be able to cancel your order if the product has not been dispatched. Please contact our customer service team on as soon as possible.

What if I am missing parts to return?

If there are missing pieces in your return, you will only be eligible for a partial refund up to 60% of your original order, pending return of all pieces. You are responsible for returning the remaining pieces at your own cost.

How do exchanges work?

If you'd like to exchange your Eva product, please contact customer support on to request an exchange. Please ensure you have your original packaging.

Damaged products

We only accept returned products that are in as-new condition. If your product is damaged or stained (and not covered by warranty), you will be ineligible for a return.

This means ensuring you have all the original pieces and that the fabric or timber is not damaged in any way. Your refund may be subject to an inspection when it returns to our warehouse.